The picture is actually quite relevant, I'm not saying I'm good with a yo-yo (although I bet if I tried I'd be bangin' at it ;]) but it's symbolic(!) of my feelings right about now. If anybody actually reads this blog they can probably see how.
Got my A-Level results and I'm shocked at what I got. Tad annoying cos I'm not doing anything with them, but at least I got them there.
A good chum of mine introduced me to a song that I can't get out of my head (she's been responsible for a lot of the songs I'm into right now)! Was very excited to hear it last night whilst we were out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2vWQFHP3D0 Think people should check that out.
Aaand the yo-yo thing. Refers to something that keeps making me happy then unhappy. Events this week have made it 10x harder :/ I just wish I wasn't so easily lead on. It's a good job I have 3oh!3, cigarettes and a few pubs round the corner to make it all better ehhyyy :D
Good chum? :) N'awww you soppy git you. THAT SONG IS MENTAL AWESOME THOUGH! As for the yo-yo thing? I completely understand and am feeling a little similar right now, except, more like a yo-yo that was used once then forgotten and put on a shelf... Oh well, I'm sure things will improve soon :) Fingers will be pulled out and feelings will be let known or we will take a swim in the metaphorical sea out there ;) xx