Monday, 30 August 2010
Saturday, 28 August 2010
Bookmarks did you say?
Can't wait for the next few weeks because I want to make the most of the last of summer and the people that are leaving. Some of them have become pretty important recently. Had a good week shopping, drinking (It's actually been pretty eventful during the evenings this week) and meeting someone that I like seeing, having coffee and smokes...wanna do that again soon :). Got VIP tickets at tramps for Thursday and will probably end up in Velvet to celebrate one of the closest people to me's 20th Birthday. He's an oldie. Keep thinking I have a lot to think about but I'll save it for another day.
Wasn't happy to see Noel Fielding is now with Courtney Love :o whaaa. Looks weird.
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Issues (strop)
Issues with myself, cos there's always someone or something making you feel not good enough or used/taken advantage of, whichever.
Oh and why do people lie? :(
People really can't just suck it up sometimes and act how they feel and just make an effort and tell the truth. I've not been put in a very trusting mood and nor do I feel like bothering being nice like I normally like to be. I really appreciate people who openly discuss things no matter how important or unimportant just to make things easier.
Watched Toy Story 3 today, and had a few drinks with some nice person things. Simples :)
Friday, 20 August 2010
All I wanna do is just go go go

The picture is actually quite relevant, I'm not saying I'm good with a yo-yo (although I bet if I tried I'd be bangin' at it ;]) but it's symbolic(!) of my feelings right about now. If anybody actually reads this blog they can probably see how.
Got my A-Level results and I'm shocked at what I got. Tad annoying cos I'm not doing anything with them, but at least I got them there.
A good chum of mine introduced me to a song that I can't get out of my head (she's been responsible for a lot of the songs I'm into right now)! Was very excited to hear it last night whilst we were out. Think people should check that out.
Aaand the yo-yo thing. Refers to something that keeps making me happy then unhappy. Events this week have made it 10x harder :/ I just wish I wasn't so easily lead on. It's a good job I have 3oh!3, cigarettes and a few pubs round the corner to make it all better ehhyyy :D
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
she's a waster

Get my results tomorrow, which I'm not expecting to be great and that isn't modesty I just dont think its possible I'll get more than Cs (if that)when my attendance was 52% at college. It's just another reason to see my friends and go out in the evening, which I'm looking forward to alot as I'll probably get lovin' off a pikey as usual (Y)
Not that I need grades because I'm off to south France to save people who can't swim and it's taken a hell of a lot to arrange. I hope the picture above of the view from my flat will tempt people to come visit meee :) plleeeasee.
This week I dressed up, got stung by a wasp, watched films and sat by a fire smoking and drinking wine with some cool people. Bunch of other stuff to which has made it awesome.
I'm happy right now and have no idea why!!
Actually I do know why. Lolzz. <3
Friday, 13 August 2010

I've had the best month and a bit ever I could wish for. If these are the things that make my life complete then call me simple but I love it.
Missing France a lot, I always feel this way after I come home. Only ever drinking Sangria, swimming in the sea at 2am and tanning was perfect and I want to see the people again really badly.
Had so much fun drinking wine out of plastic wine glasses, getting busted, falling off walls, falling over in general watching Harry Brown, crazy dancing, and especially singing along to Biffy Clyro.
Although, can't help today but feel down about a lot of things. It feels a bit like I'm missing something and I don't know what. July has definitely been better than August, but because I like being happy I'm just now going to go listen to some music and get ready for Beas birthday.
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
When did what "other people say" become the truth?

STOP assuming things!!!! Unless the person themselves explicitly says something then don't go believing anything about other peoples lives and feelings.
I like to keep my feelings relativly private, and there's rarely a time that ANYONE knows exactly what I'm thinking. I change my mind alot, never too sure about things, and honestly just want to enjoy my life. I don't like it when things that are supposed to be fun and have been fun suddenly become serious and rubbish thanks to other people.
I've lost my last lip stud, and dont have anything else to keep it open with so the bars just gonna fall out and it'll heel up :'( GREAT.
I'm gonna save my money (after tomorrow) and go on a huge, amazing holiday before jetting of to saving people who get trapped in the sea.
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
Lessons I have learned...
...mainly from my friends experiences:
1. Don't drink and drive
2. Don't hang outside where you work looking like a yob as your friend scales the building
3. Don't laugh in FUCKING SERIOUS situations
4. Do get drunk in Upton cos it's fun!
5. Sleep properly
After looking after my silly best friend who nearly got us all arrested(bless him) I'm now going to snuggle up and watch The Mighty Boosh so I have energy for tomorrow night which should be electric.
I miss someone already because they make me smile :) Might give Roxi a ring...Malvern pubs are looking attractive ALREADY.
Monday, 2 August 2010
make me laugh, but it ain't enough...
" should just go and say it yourself"
Hello August. You're rubbish :)
Hello August. You're rubbish :)
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